NITRA Technical Campus, Ghaziabad organized a program on Entrepreneurship and Start ups for its 3rd and final year B.Tech students and faculty members. The program was conducted by Dr. Ashutosh Sahi, Associate Professor, NIFT Delhi and Chief Operating Officer, NIFT Foundation Design Innovation Centre, Dr. Namrata Sahi, Director and Mr. Sandeep Sen CEO of the successful startup “Sahifab Private Limited”, New Delhi. It is proud to mention that their startup company is working on non-conventional natural fibres in the incubation centre of NITRA, Ghaziabad.
They broadly explained different aspects of starting a Startup and the business model canvas to be kept in mind before starting a business. He also delibeated various Govt Schemes that are available for getting funds for startups and various other benefits that are available for the investors. They also discussed their journey of how they were able to identify and convert an opportunity of using industrial hemp fibres into sustainable and innovative textile products.
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