Organizes Guest Lecture
On Rieter Spinning System - Recent developments in Spinning, by Rieter
NITRA TECHNICAL CAMPUS organized a guest lecture on Rieter Spinning System - Recent developments in Spinning on 25th September 2023. The session was conducted by M/s Rieter, the world’s leading spinning machinery manufacturer. After the formal welcome address by Mr. Vivek Agarwal, Dy. Director and Dean, Dr. M. S. Parmar, Professor, and Dr. Arindam Basu, Director, NITRA Technical Campus, highlighted the importance of spinning industry and the need for continuous innovations and understanding of such innovations by the students and faculty members to train industry-ready professionals.
The introductory session was conducted by Mr. Rohit Patankar who briefed about the company, Rieter and its product offerings. Thereafter, Mr. Jagadish Gujar, technology expert and trainer, explained in detail about various spinning machinery manufactured by Rieter worldwide. The presentation highlighted salient features of different machines used in modern spinning mills starting from Blow room to Ring frame. The presentation also covered various other spinning technologies like Rotor, Compact and Airjet spinning.
Sessions were highly interactive in nature with students and faculty members actively participating in the discussions.
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